After Getting a Tattoo, Can You Shower?
If you just got an awesome new tattoo, you might wonder if it's safe to take a shower right away. Getting a new tattoo does not prevent you from showering, but you must be careful. To ensure that your new ink doesn't damage, you should also follow a few instructions.
Here are some tips for safely showering while your tattoo is healing without causing any damage to the final results.
Water is okay for a new tattoo, but you shouldn't submerge it or leave it to soak in any body of water. This means that it's perfectly fine to shower with a new tattoo. Bathing and swimming should be avoided until your tattoo has completely healed, which usually takes two to three weeks.
When Can You Shower After Getting a Tattoo?
Once you remove the protective wrap from your new tattoo, you can shower whenever you feel ready, although some artists suggest waiting at least 24 hours before you shower.
Despite the fact that you can shower soon after getting your tattoo, there are some rules you should always follow to avoid damaging it in any way during the showering process.
The healing process of your new tattoo must be treated with utmost care at all times since it is an open wound.
Showering with a New Tattoo: How to Do It Correctly
Ensure that you don't damage your tattoo in the shower by following these steps:
1. Set the water temperature and power
Run the water in your shower until it's either cool or lukewarm. Before getting in the water, always check it with your hand.
New tattoos should not be exposed to hot water. Hot water will cause pain, stinging, and swelling to the area, as well as cause your skin to be extremely sensitive.
It is also possible to lose ink when you use warm/hot water because hot water opens up your pores, causing your tattoo to fade or become patchy.
As a result, you should make sure that the shower isn't set to blast water out too powerfully in case your tattoo comes into contact with it. Ink may be forced out of the tattoo area by the powerful water jets, causing your tattoo to sting.
2. Tattoos Should Be Wetted
The shower water should be used very carefully to dampen the tattooed area. Showerheads should never be used directly on tattoos.
The best way to wet the area is to cup the water with your hand and wet it that way. As a result, the jets won't be in contact with sensitive skin and will be less harsh.
3. Clean the tattoo gently
If you want to clean your tattoo, make sure you have a skin-sensitive and fragrance-free soap at hand.
Rub the soap gently over the tattooed area, removing as much blood, ink, and plasma as possible. Make sure all soap has been removed from the area by running water over it again.
You can also clean your tattoo before getting into the shower; this way, you will be more attentive and careful.
4. Take a Quick Shower
Leave the shower as soon as you've cleaned yourself and the tattoo.
Taking short showers will minimize the amount of time your tattoo is exposed to steam, water, and soap. These things can cause your tattoo to fade or become extra-sensitive if they are consumed in excess.
A large amount of water can saturate the area, causing the ink to dilute/wash out. It is possible to dry out the area too much if you use too much soap. When you use too much steam, the pores on your skin will open, allowing ink to escape.
5. Your Tattoo Should Be Dried
When drying the area after a shower, be very careful not to use the towel normally used to dry yourself.
You can dry the rest of your body with this towel, but let the tattooed area air dry naturally, or blot it dry with a paper towel.
It is important to remember that your tattoo is still an open wound, and your towel is likely to contain many types of bacteria and germs that could potentially cause an infection.
6. Moisturizing the Area / Applying Lotion
Once your tattoo has completely dried, apply a good quality tattoo-safe lotion to the area to prevent the skin from drying out. Tattoo lotions are usually enriched with vitamins and ingredients to speed up healing.
If you have a tattoo, make sure your hands are clean before applying any lotion. Apply only a thin layer. Suffocating the area and prolonging the healing process are possible consequences of a thick layer.
By containing quality organic ingredients, tattoo-specific lotions keep the area well-hydrated and promote faster healing.
Not only does this stuff keep your tattoo well hydrated, but it also soothes any irritating itching and irritation during the healing process. Using this lotion from the very beginning of the healing process will help decrease tattoo healing times and eliminate any lingering dryness and scabbing.
When you have a new tattoo, showering shouldn't be difficult or painful. The first few weeks of tattoo healing should be spent treating your new ink as well as possible.
You should be able to get your tattoo as wet as you like after 2-3 weeks, once the scabbing and peeling has finished.